Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Infected by Facebook ...

After refusing several requests, I have now joined the Facebook cult. Rumour has it that these networking sites (and there is many of them) first started in the porn industry to coordinate actors, directors, producers, and otherwise interested insiders. In this light, the terms 'friends' and 'groups' have a whole new meaning (true or not, funny).

For me, each additional request increased the benefit of joining and before too long I was sucked in. Indeed, internet networking is a low cost way to stay in touch. However, now there is another place on the internet where future employers can gather all the dirty secrets on me from both my friends and my family. Gee, I hope those Wardroom Staff party photos never get out.


Francis Wooby said...

I'm not sure where this rumour of Facebook starting with the porn industry came from, but to the best of my knowledge it was actually originally designed for high school and college students to socialize. Thus the "hometown" designation (a more complicated question for us old folks) and the heavy presence of school networks. Only recently did the makers cave into pressure from old fogies wanting in on the networking. I feel like one of the seniors drinking Pepsi in those commercials from the 80's.

Jenn said...

Just so you know. I don't think any of the wardroom staff party pictures that I have feature you do anything too terribly shocking.

I see you found me on there too. Shall I post those Wardroom pics? Yes? No? Perhaps not, they won't do me much good when I apply for sainthood.

Canadian Economist said...

I must admit, I am a little worried about this whole tagging thing - I have worked very hard to keep those pictures of me with long hair off the internet. I have been paying my sister $50 a month for almost 5 years.

P.S. Just for the record, I know nothing about strip foosball.

Jenn said...

dude - you may or may not remember my horrifying bangs in first year? We all have fashion related skeletons in our closets I think.

Jenny d. said...

I fear there will come a day when I will have to delete myself from facebook because it creeps me out a little....
PS. you *can* remove a tag...I've done it:)

Anonymous said...

I'm also on facebook, and I have the weirdest collection of friends - my students, actual friends, high school aquaintances, and people who met me once on the street and have an overwhelming desire to be my friend... That being said, you should add me.

Canadian Economist said...

Amy: consider yourself added! Facebook - crazy waste of time (but fun)!